Personal Development Sessions
Our personal development curriculum is based on ensuring students have the knowledge and skills they need to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities, and the experiences of later life.
We use six essential qualities (Kindness, Resilience, Confidence, Curiosity, Ambition and Being Informed) that we believe will help our students prepare for their adult lives and how to engage successfully within society.
Our personal development lesson, which takes place each Monday 3.15 - 4.00pm, is designed to supplement the work done during LG time, assemblies and within subject lessons to meet the ambition of all our students becoming:
- Responsible, respectful, and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults.
- Individuals with a deep understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance.
- People who understand that difference is a positive, not a negative, and that individual characteristics make people unique.
- Students who can recognise online and offline risks to their well-being – for example, risks from criminal and sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, substance misuse, gang activity, radicalisation and extremism – and who are aware of the support available to them.
- Healthy people who know how to keep physically healthy, eat healthily and maintain an active lifestyle, by means such as giving ample opportunities for pupils to be active during the school day and through extra-curricular activities.
- Individuals who have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships through appropriate relationship and sex education.
Personal development sessions structure
Our personal development lesson takes place each Monday 3.15 - 4.05pm and provides Years 7 - 10 pupils with a different session to experience each term. The lessons provide opportunities and content which are not part of our KS3 and KS4 subject curriculum, but which we feel it is important our pupils are knowledgeable about. Year 11 pupils operate an alternative programme of revision and intervention sessions.